User access to Study and Connect features are driven from the User Management in Study.
- The email address used to login to Study must be provided by Somark support - which will be the user Please contact Somark support to request new login emails for your staff.
- Somark are working to add the ability for you to login using your normal organisation email address in a future release of Study.
- User profiles must be added to Study before a user can add their account to an Connect device and login to the Connect to use it.
User list and searching records
To access the User list, select Users from the left menu options. The following screen will display.
To view and edit a user record, click on the icon.
The search field will search any values displayed in the list. You can search on:
- Title
- First name
- Second name
- Title
- Role
- Email address
- Phone number
To search for a record, type some or all the characters you wish to find a match on. For example “Dr.” will list all records with the title of Dr.
Adding new users
To add a new user, select the Add user button from the list screen, as shown above. This will open the following pop up screen.
The first tab shown requires input of the persons Name, Surname, Title (their Salutation, such as Dr., Prof. Mr. Mrs. Ms. etc.), Job Title and email address.
Their email address will be their login ID to the system.
The users phone contact details are optional.
By default, the Active option is checked, meaning they have access to the Study system.
After completing the user details, click on the Roles tab and select one or more Roles from the options.
The role of Administrator should only be given to an approved System Administrator. This role profile gives access to Users, Settings, Test Methods and Organisation. At least two users should be set up with this role.
The Animal Husbandry role should be given to staff who need to access the animal records and Workbench (cage management) options.
The Ethics role should be given to staff who need to view and edit Protocol records.
When both the User and Roles tabs have been completed the Add button will no longer be grey and when selected will add the User record to the system.
Editing user profiles
To edit a user profile, access the User list screen from the Users menu option and click on the icon for the user record you wish to edit.
The users record will display as shown.
To make changes to the user record, click on the Edit user button. This will make the fields editable and the button will change to Update.
You can make changes to the users personal details and role(s). You can also select the Active check box and untick it to disable the users access to Study. This option should be used to manage people that leave your organisation.
To remove a role, uncheck the tick against the role.
To apply changes to the users record, please select the Update button. To discard any changes or close the pop up, select the Cancel button.
- You cannot edit / change a users email address, as this is their login ID. Please contact Somark if you need to make a change to the login email address.